Word from the Dark Side – Underwater Love, whistleblower shove, manias above and here comes dot gov

Into the Heart of Darkness

“I am wanted by Interpol”, I thought to myself as I returned to the rental car to do some more loitering. “Why the fuck would Interpol want me?”, I asked myself. “If Interpol wants me, why wasn’t I arrested in the spot and transported to the nearest jail?” A million questions bombarded my brain as I tried to make sense out of this news. The problem was that nothing made sense. A red alert from the Croatian Police should be enough to get me arrested prior to that day as I am not very difficult to find. An Interpol red alert should find me in jail awaiting a court date. Nothing made sense.

Whistleblower Josh Dean of Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems has died

He was heavily sedated and put on dialysis. A CT scan indicated he had suffered a stroke, his mom’s post said.

By the end, doctors were considering amputating both hands and both feet. “It was brutal what he went through,” Parsons said. “Heartbreaking.”

Dean was represented by a law firm in South Carolina that also represented Boeing whistleblower John “Mitch” Barnett.

Barnett was found dead in an apparent suicide in March. He was in the midst of giving depositions alleging Boeing retaliated against him for complaints about quality lapses when he was found dead from a gunshot wound in Charleston, S.C., where Boeing has its 787 manufacturing facility. 

The Charleston County Coroner’s Office reported Barnett’s death appeared to be “from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.” Almost two months later, the police investigation into his death is still ongoing.

Brian Knowles, one of Dean’s lawyers, said he didn’t want to speculate about the close timing and circumstances of the two deaths.

How to spot the next mania: Each new panic follows the same playbook

Manias are fuelled by emotion. The cult of trans has capitalised on our yearning to seem enlightened and compassionate.  It has been presented as the logical next step after gay rights, the movement plays on our craving to feel ultra-contemporary. #MeToo both fed off and promulgated resentment, self-pity, and vengeance; in standing up to abuse of power, it tempted some women to abuse their own power to ruin men’s lives. Covid lockdowns stirred primitive terror of death and contagion, until we came to view other people as mere vectors of disease. BLM stimulated the nascent Christian proclivities for guilt, repentance, and penitence even in the secular, while offering black people opportunity to vent frustration, self-righteous fury, and even hatred. All manias thrive on our desire to be included by our own herd and on our anxiety about being exiled — or, if you will, about being UnHerded.

Because a proper mania brooks no dissent. In its grip, everyone believes the same thing, says the same thing, and even uses the same language. A quasi-religious fervour makes anyone outside the bubble of shared obsession seem heretical, dangerous, insane or outright evil. Opponents of lockdowns were granny killers; the unvaccinated were pariahs who shouldn’t be allowed to fly, eat out or obtain healthcare, while some argued “anti-vaxxers” should be imprisoned or put to death. Their rhetoric and affect often violent, transactivists tar critics as murderers; not long ago, writing a single discouraging word about the mutilation of children would end your career. (Self-protectively, I kept my own journalistic mouth shut for a good four years; most journalists are still prudently bumping along on the trans bandwagon.) Women who expressed reservations about the indiscriminate sweep of #MeToo were traitors to their sex. In 2020, even tweeting “All lives matter” got you sacked.

We’re investing millions in ‘Australia’s moon landing’. Will it launch?

Superlatives were everywhere on Tuesday at a press conference to unveil a joint $940 million investment by the federal and Queensland governments in quantum computing company PsiQuantum.

From Prime Minister Anthony Albanese: “This will have a greater multiplier impact on job creation here in Brisbane and Queensland than anything we could possibly have thought of. Anything at all … This truly puts Brisbane and Queensland on the map.” (…)

Patriotism and parochialism are at the heart of the political message of the government’s ‘Future Made in Australia’ plan, which Mr Albanese unveiled earlier this month.

The plan is to invest public money into ‘future-facing’ industries, including green technology and advanced manufacturing. This is the first big announcement, although earlier investments in solar panels and battery manufacturing have also been rebadged as part of the plan.

There’s a global context. Countries around the world have been pouring public money into private industry, led by China and the US. For western governments, it represents a shift in philosophy, motivated by the climate transition and the spectre of economic ‘decoupling’ with China.

But some economists have voiced objections. The International Monetary Fund warned small advanced economies like Australia’s had less chance of success competing against the larger pockets of the US and China.

And Productivity Commissioner Danielle Wood warned the approach could see money diverted away from its most productive use, especially without strict guidelines to ensure value for money.

Staff at Colac Area Health posed as fake patients to make urgent care ward look busy

Staff at a regional Victorian health clinic posed as patients in a bid to make the centre appear busier during a ministerial visit, a department investigation has found.

The investigation was launched after allegations of an elaborate ruse involving staff and some of their family members during Victorian Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas’s visit to the centre in the state’s south-west last year.

After investigating, the state’s health department found approximately 10 staff members posed as patients when in order to make the Colac Area Health Urgent Care Centre look busier than it was.

During the visit on August 9 last year one staff member with a fake injury occupied a trolley in the back corridor, while at least one ambulance was orchestrated to arrive with a fake patient during the health minister’s visit.

Sierra Leone declares emergency over drug kush – made from human bones

One of the drug’s many ingredients is human bones – security has been tightened in cemeteries to stop addicts digging up skeletons from graves.

Groups of mostly young men sitting on street corners with limbs swollen by kush abuse is a common sight in Sierra Leone.

With a bandage around his ankle, one recovering addict told the BBC the drug has a tight grip on him.

“I don’t like doing this, but I cannot leave it because I enjoy it,” he said.

Woman wheels corpse into Brazil bank to sign for loan

Erika Vieira Nunes wheeled the cadaver into the bank in a Rio suburb on Tuesday and told the teller the man wanted a loan for 17,000 reais ($3,250), security camera video showed.

She held a pen and moved his hand forward to no response.

“Uncle, are you listening? You need to sign,” she said, according to the security video, suggesting she sign for him.

“He doesn’t say anything, that’s just how he is,” she said, adding, “If you’re not okay, I’m going to take you to the hospital.”

Bank staff became suspicious as the man’s head kept falling back when the woman stopped holding it and they called the police, who arrested her on the spot on fraud charges. The corpse was taken to the morgue.

‘We were told to target foreigners’: Ex-officer on systematic racial profiling by Japan police

“Officers around me including my immediate superior often said things like, ‘People with Black roots, Southeast Asians and so on study ways to kill people. So use your service revolver if you have to! You have no idea what they’re going to do.'” Similarly, it was said within the force that officers “‘have to be careful patrolling'” in an area with many Korean residents “‘because there’s no telling what they’ll do.'” Yamada added that officers tossed around these comments casually during work and on break, and often referred to foreigners broadly as “aitsura” and “yatsura” — derogatory words roughly translatable as “those people.”

Furthermore, when he was in a desk position, his department passed on a request from the prefectural police chief’s office “directing officers to conduct an arrest training exercise simulating a Brazilian person attacking you with a crowbar.” This was issued with the justification that “there are many Brazilians in this area.”

Yamada told The Mainichi that during his time as an officer and still today, there is a strong assumption in the police that foreigners are likely to be criminals.

“And I think that when police think of a ‘foreigner,’ they’re not picturing someone (of European descent), but a person with darker skin, with Black or Southeast Asian roots and so on. I thought that way. Officers assume (light-skinned people) are tourists or have a Japanese partner. But with people with dark skin, they tend to assume they’re visa overstayers.”

Driver arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after dragging man 40 meters with car

Police said the victim appeared to be drunk at the time. Uchida told police the man came up to him while he was in his car and said “Don’t stare at me like that.” When Uchida started to drive away, the man grabbed the car window.

After letting go, he fell to the ground and sustained an injury to the right side of his face.

In the latest victory against right-wing extremism, police officers pull a 16 year-old girl out of chemistry class and advise her to stop posting Smurf-themed AfD-friendly content to TikTok

A story from 27 February illustrates how bad things have gotten. It involves a 16 year-old girl at the Richard-Wossidlo Gymnasium in Ribnitz-Damgarten (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). She posted an AfD-friendly video featuring blue Smurfs to TikTok, in which she said that Germany was not just a place, but also her home. School officials got wind of the blasphemy and the principal, Jan-Dirk Zimmermann, called the police; subsequently, no less than three officers were dispatched to neutralise this unusual threat to the German democratic order. After first establishing that the girl’s social media posts were totally legal and broke no laws, they took her from her chemistry class and escorted her to a staff room, where they told her to refrain from making such posts in the future, “for her own protection.”

The principal, Zimmermann, turns out to have connections to the SPD – the party of our increasingly unhinged authoritarian Interior Minister Nancy Faeser. As Zimmermann denounced his student, his school was hosting an exhibit on “Strengthening Democracy,” sponsored by the SPD-affiliated Friedrich Ebert Foundation. At the opening of the exhibit, just four days before the police intervention, various local politicians, the town mayor and a Friedrich Ebert representative “emphasised that an increasingly dominant right-wing extremism is … making the culture of debate more difficult … and is … endangering our basic democratic order.”

Today, the Stralsund police have issued a defensive press release, in which they justify their decision “to conduct a preventative educational talk” because “there is sometimes a fine line between lawful and unlawful conduct.” 


Burn Baby Burn

The first thing worth noting is that the pro-Gaza protestors are not white. It is anti-Zionist Jews and nonwhites, with a smattering of upper-middle-class white girls from the grievance studies programs. The pro-Israel side is primarily Jewish students organized by the network of anti-BDS organizations that exist on every campus. As a result, the pro-Gaza side uses the antiwhite language they have been trained to use against the mostly Jewish protestors on the other side.

That’s it.

There’ll be a post on Wednesday about the last larrikin.


  1. lemmiwinks · 13 Days Ago

    Perhaps it shouldn’t surprise me (though it does), it certainly dismays me, that corporations are openly killing whistblowers. I guess once they noticed another corp (or the Clintons) getting away with it someone just thought ok, no reason we shouldn’t quickly and easily solve our problems that way too.


    • Nikolai Vladivostok · 13 Days Ago



      • lemmiwinks · 13 Days Ago

        Quite so. Also, I am not suicidal.

        Liked by 2 people

        • ray · 9 Days Ago

          ALLEGEDLY not suicidal.


    • Sharkly · 13 Days Ago

      I personally do not think it is the corporations killing the whistleblowers. If they are being killed, it is more likely done by the government. The whistleblowers are exposing the culture of corruption within an industry that is supposedly highly government regulated, yet as a practical matter the government-aided corporate monopolies are considered “too big to fail” and are allowed to proverbially “get away with murder”. The folks in the FAA who are being exposed as being complicit in the corporate corruption, no doubt have friends in the “intelligence” agencies.
      I personally think that if the corporations were going to kill their whistleblowers, they’d do that long before they ever go to trial or go viral on the news. They’ve faced off against with these would-be reformers internally for years. Whereas the FAA is a political organization of lazy ill-informed under-qualified government lackeys that pretty much only reacts to what’s on the TV news. They don’t usually react until something is on the TV news, and then they usually overreact to try and make up for their previous inaction. 
      The FAA probably was (as always) ignoring the folks saying that there was rampant corruption at the big-government-promoted monopolies that they are supposed to be policing, until during a “gone viral” media feeding frenzy over Boeing’s poor quality it got announced on the international TV news that there was a whistleblower in depositions against that government-allied monopoly. Ordinarily such mundane court proceedings (regarding unadjudicated allegations) would never be mentioned even on local TV news. 
      So then, belatedly, the FAA politicos realized that their agency would be exposed internationally in the media by this whistleblower as having Boeing’s jizz all over their face, and so they scrambled to call in a hit on him, with their buddies in the intelligence community who handle covert assassinations professionally, heedless of the timing and optics of their “suicide” and “natural causes” being so blatantly suspicious. They didn’t care, they just demanded it, in a knee-jerk panic, and for CIA operatives, or whomever carried out the presumed assassinations, orders must be followed, you don’t get to publicly question their foolish timing.  That is what my experience in the aircraft manufacturing industry would lead me to suspect may have happened, based upon decades of working with, and sometimes battling against, these aforementioned parties.

      Liked by 1 person

      • lemmiwinks · 12 Days Ago

        I guess I just miss the apparently bygone era of subtlety when these things weren’t so obvious. Or maybe I’m just not a normie any more.


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